After I heard that I struggled for several hours trying to use controller without any success, then switched to KB+mouse and after I played with key bindings a bit it was much better than anything you can do on controller. Stop spreading this shit about controller being better. I do not use separate key for dodge - I use double click on movement keys. You don't need to press anything again or look out for a bar.
Pressing the button right before the attack lands is how to counterattack.
I do not use lock target - it's bad in group fights and in single target fights you don't need it. Holding the button and waiting to be attacked is called blocking. I never use quick menu (only to select item/bomb - there is no way to assign those to keyboard), if there would be a way to assign those to Ctrl+(1,2,3,4,5) - I would forget that quick menu exists. This is my control scheme for example: (1,2,3,4,5) - signs, right mouse - strong attack, left mouse - slow attack, V - block, (R,T) - potions, Q - steel sword, E - silver sword, CapsLk - Walk, Shift - Run, Space - Jump/roll, WASD - movement/dodge (double click movement is dodge by default), F - use, middle mouse - witcher sense, mouse 4 - use sign, mouse 5 - use item, Tab - quick menu. Mouse & keyboard are much better if you reassign it.
Click to expand.Controller controls suck in this game.